Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"There go I but by the grace of God"

I was thinking about this phrase as I was writing my last post. We’ve all heard this phrase. But have you ever really thought about it? When we look at people we know who are lost in sin and refuse to repent and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, can we honestly say, (and believe) “There go I but by the grace of God”? Do we believe in our hearts that it’s God’s grace that has made the difference in our lives - that it’s because of His grace that I’m going to heaven and that person is not (unless they come to trust in Jesus)? Or do we believe God gives equal grace to all and that the person’s “decision” is what really makes the difference between one going to heaven or hell? One produces an attitude of deep sympathy for people who don’t know Christ because that was me! The other produces an attitude of wondering what in the world is wrong with “other people” that they refuse to humble themselves and turn to Christ. One produces a deep thankfulness to God for what He alone has done. The other produces a more shallow thankfulness for what He and I have done. One produces humility. The other produces pride.