Tuesday, September 21, 2010

As you can see, I'm a lousy blogger. I could say I'm too busy, but mostly I just feel like I don't have anything profound to say. It's been 2 1/2 months since I posted and I'm doing well. Pain-wise, I'm doing great. I haven't had any major issues with muscle spasms in a few months and I haven't had to temporarily up the medication, like I have in the past, because I've built up a tolerance. And I've been sleeping well (except for the past few nights as I've been fighting a miserable cold/cough), and so I feel extremely blessed health-wise.

Concerning my on-going battle with food, I'm doing very well (thank you, Lord). I have been eating in moderation since I last posted and I really feel good physically. I'd like to say I'm down to 140, because that's what I was down to 3 days ago, before I contracted this cold, but since the cold put a stop to exercise, I've put 2 lbs back on. I'm not upset about it though. I really do feel like I'm growing in my ability to eat healthy (and in moderation) because it honors God and it's good for my body, and feel my desire for a perfect size 6 shrinking (don't know if It'll ever be 100% in this life, though).

I'm realizing lately what an addictive personality I have (maybe "obsessive" would be a better choice of words). I remember our pastor once saying that when he gets a new pack of gum, he chews every piece, one right after the other, till it's gone. That's me. If I start something new, I can't think of anything but that new project (ok, that's an exaggeration, but you know what I mean). So it isn't difficult for me to turn my affections and attention away from God to immerse myself in whatever the latest project, hobbie or interest I happen to be involved in. I'm also realizing that skimping on my time with the Lord and instead, immersing myself in hobbies, tv, food, or whatever else, never ever ever ever ever ever ever (i know that's a lot of "evers" but I'm 44) leads to happiness, peace and contentment. Just the opposite, in-fact. It leads to an appetite that's never satisfied. A verse comes to mind: "Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied, and never satisfied are the eyes of man." - Proverbs 27:20. When I set my affections on created things rather than the Creator, I want more, more, MORE! And yet I'm never satisfied.

Not only is it my duty to obey and give glory to the God, (through Jesus) who created me, but I am never truly satisfied unless I'm doing just that. I wonder how many more times I'll have to learn this again before I die. Thank-you, Jesus.