Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My neighbor from our culdesac was out walking his dog today. He does this every day since he had open-heart surgery. I couldn't help notice the uncanny timing of me walking out to Katy's car (normally I'd drive mine from the garage and so I never would have had the opportunity to talk to him, but I was using her car today) just as he was coming around the corner. I had a sense that this was God's timing and didn't want to waste the opportunity. I have shared the gospel with him and his wife in the past, but we were able to talk for awhile and so I brought it up again and asked him if he had thought about what we talked about before. I think, too often, we think we have to wait for "the topic" to come up naturally, but more and more I feel the urgency to speak truth to people out of love and concern for their souls and pray for God to do a heart change in them. How much time we waste talking about nothing important with people!

He told me that he came very near to death several times. Yet, he said that the after-life is something that he would worry about when he gets there, and right now he only thinks about this life and being a good person, a good citizen. I told him that according to the Bible, once he died, it would be too late and that God has given us Jesus and His Word so that we can know Him now and be prepared for death. I talked about the fact that none of us are "good" people in the sense that God requires, which is why we need Jesus. He didn't seem concerned, and said that he has no fear of death. But as I was standing there, I felt so aware of the fact that God may, perhaps, use my words and prayers to bring this man to repentance and faith in Jesus. If you're reading this, please pray for him and his family. His name is Terry and his wife is Julie.

I pray that God would help me to be bolder as I get older and not take the easy path and waste my time talking about nothing significant.

"How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?" -Romans 10:14

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Very Convicting Message by Francis Chan

My daughter posted this video on Facebook of Francis Chan preaching a message that is very convicting and I'm posting it here because I can't recommend it more highly.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

As you can see, I'm a lousy blogger. I could say I'm too busy, but mostly I just feel like I don't have anything profound to say. It's been 2 1/2 months since I posted and I'm doing well. Pain-wise, I'm doing great. I haven't had any major issues with muscle spasms in a few months and I haven't had to temporarily up the medication, like I have in the past, because I've built up a tolerance. And I've been sleeping well (except for the past few nights as I've been fighting a miserable cold/cough), and so I feel extremely blessed health-wise.

Concerning my on-going battle with food, I'm doing very well (thank you, Lord). I have been eating in moderation since I last posted and I really feel good physically. I'd like to say I'm down to 140, because that's what I was down to 3 days ago, before I contracted this cold, but since the cold put a stop to exercise, I've put 2 lbs back on. I'm not upset about it though. I really do feel like I'm growing in my ability to eat healthy (and in moderation) because it honors God and it's good for my body, and feel my desire for a perfect size 6 shrinking (don't know if It'll ever be 100% in this life, though).

I'm realizing lately what an addictive personality I have (maybe "obsessive" would be a better choice of words). I remember our pastor once saying that when he gets a new pack of gum, he chews every piece, one right after the other, till it's gone. That's me. If I start something new, I can't think of anything but that new project (ok, that's an exaggeration, but you know what I mean). So it isn't difficult for me to turn my affections and attention away from God to immerse myself in whatever the latest project, hobbie or interest I happen to be involved in. I'm also realizing that skimping on my time with the Lord and instead, immersing myself in hobbies, tv, food, or whatever else, never ever ever ever ever ever ever (i know that's a lot of "evers" but I'm 44) leads to happiness, peace and contentment. Just the opposite, in-fact. It leads to an appetite that's never satisfied. A verse comes to mind: "Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied, and never satisfied are the eyes of man." - Proverbs 27:20. When I set my affections on created things rather than the Creator, I want more, more, MORE! And yet I'm never satisfied.

Not only is it my duty to obey and give glory to the God, (through Jesus) who created me, but I am never truly satisfied unless I'm doing just that. I wonder how many more times I'll have to learn this again before I die. Thank-you, Jesus.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The saga continues...

I haven't had any sugar in 2 months. I've lost 10 lbs. I feel great and I'm off my medication. Ok, now back to reality: I've eaten sugar off and on. I still weigh 150 lbs. I don't feel that great, and I'm on my full dose of medication. But the good news is that I feel God at work in removing my perfectionistic obsession with body size. I can actually look at myself in a full mirror without cringing, and determining to do everything in my power to lose it all, and fast! I prayed for months (before I went on the medication) that God would set me free from this perfectionism (which is just another word for self-obsession), so I have no doubt that this is all part of His loving, and good plan to free me. I can see His hand at work, even in my growing desire to be more like Jesus and less like a perfect size 6.

I am still trying to deal with my sugar addiction though, because it does tend to get out of control for me and become an idol in my life, which I don't want. I've basically declared war on sugar desserts, and I'm experimenting to see if it works to allow myself one dessert a week. So far this has been working (and I've been on it for a WHOLE week, so I know it'll last! haha). But we'll see. If it doesn't work then I think I'll just have to have a going-away-party for desserts (I'll only serve vegetables). Seriously, it is easier for me to totally abstain from desserts than to just eat regularly in moderation. I did it for about 2 yrs many moons ago. The sad thing is, the reason that it was so easy back then is because I had a passionate goal: To be and stay thin. The sad part being that I had more passion and determination to eat healthy when it was for self-exaltation than I do when it's to exalt God with my eating/abstaining. I pray that He increases my passion for His glory.

I really am amazed at how God works through all of our difficulties, pain, (and even our sins) to change us. He wastes nothing. This makes me think about other ways in which God has changed/is changing me and how so often it is through pain that He works. Even pain inflicted by another person's sin. Our pastor wrote an article called, "Is God less glorious because He ordained that evil be?" This is an amazing sermon that opened my eyes to God's sovereignty over sin as seen in Scripture. I'd encourage you to read it here.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Food Idolatry

Well, here's where I am on this roller-coaster ride of chronic pain and medication: For two reasons I started to go down on the meds again a couple weeks ago. 1. I was experiencing one of the side effects (dry mouth) much more acutely than I had on the full dose ever before. I don't know if this was because I repeatedly went on and off of it several times or what, but the dry mouth got so bad that sometimes I would literally choke for no moisture in my mouth. Especially at night I would wake up several times and literally have to sit up quickly and grab the water bottle on my nightstand because I was choking. 2. Even though I seemed to plateau at 150 lbs., I felt increasingly tight in all my new (used) larger sized clothes that I had bought (I won't say what size - 150 lbs is discriptive enough :)

The first reason was definately the more serious one that really moved me to start tapering again, but the thought of going out and buying new clothes again in a bigger size didn't thrill me either. So, now I have been sitting at 30mg (I topped at between 50-60) for about a week, and then 2 days ago I had another neck spasm that increased the pain greatly. But I'm treating it and continuing to stay on the same dose. Going down to 30 mg has taken away the more serious dry mouth that I had, but didn't get rid of my weight gain so much, and this leads me to my next topic: Dealing with my over-eating and food idolatry.

Food. It's hard to live with it (in a way that's healthy and honoring to God), but you can't live without it. When I was younger I could eat as much as I wanted without really gaining weight. So I did. After age 33, when my relationship really grew (or began?) with Christ, his Spirit gradually started convincting me of my gluttony. You know, eating a 2nd or 3rd helping when 1 was sufficient. Eating 6 pieces of pizza and then 2 desserts when 2 or 3 pieces and one dessert was plenty. Sugar is especially a problem for me. Over the years I've had little bouts of what I would describe as "binges". I'd eat normally for awhile and then some stress would arise or maybe I was even just bored and I'd find myself eating and eating way past the point of hunger, sometimes even to the point of nausea.

I remember reading a book awhile ago called, "Diary of a Fat Housewife." At the time I was not over-weight, but I recognized in her the same continuous up and down roller-coaster ride with food addiction. Being very careful and eating in moderation, and then eating way too much (repeat). And like her, a lot of my binges centered around sweets. I've long known that I need to stay away from sweets. But inevitably I convince myself that I can handle them in moderation. Sometimes I can, but typically I begin to recognize that I'm eating too much of them and that I need to stop all together and that's when I binge..you know, get as much as I can before I have to stop.

So why is this so important to me? Because I know in my heart that food often turns to idolatry and I too often love it and treasure it more than I do God, which is a sin. And I know that all of the happiness that I get from over-eating inevitably leads to emptiness and depression and I don't want to succumb to these deceptive temptations any longer. I know that it is only in Christ that I can find true joy and satisfaction, not in over-eating or even in food. And I want to pursue and serve Him with all my heart and soul.

For no one can serve two masters, for he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. - Matthew 6:24

I realize that this passage is talking about money, but I could easily insert "food" there, and it is so true that when I am in the midst of my over-eating, I am turning away from God and serving my gluttony, and I don't want to do that. So here I am. For the past week I have been eating only enough to fill me up, I have eaten no desserts, and I have lost a few lbs and feel amazingly better physically, emotionally and spiritually. And yet I'm well aware of the other issues I have, that I've already shared, with body image. And I know the danger of getting caught back up in that again. So I pray that God would set me free from both setting my heart's affections on food instead of on Him, and from setting my heart's affections on getting down to a certain size and looking a certain way instead of Him. Lord, please do it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I'm back on the full dose of Amitriptyline. The pain continued to increase even though I was going to MotionCare. I thought this was really making a difference, but I wonder now if it was because the Amitriptyline took awhile to leave my system. I still think MotionCare has done more for me than any Chiropractor did, and I plan to go there semi-regularly. At any rate, I believe that this is God's will for me to be on this and experience the weight gain as God continues to sanctify me. I am amazed at His incessant love. I praise Him that He gives me, not what I necessarily ask for, but what He knows I truly need. There is so much more that I want to write, but this is just a quick update because I haven't posted in so long. MORE TO COME...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Striving to be God-focused/Not self-focused

Well, it’s been one month since I last wrote. I have been to four appointments at MotionCare and my neck has been significantly better. (Until yesterday morning that is). I woke up yesterday with soreness in my neck and back for the first time since going to this clinic. I’ve been raving to everyone I meet with neck or back pain that this is the first place I’ve been to in 15+ years that has made a significant difference. I do still believe it's better though because the pain I’ve had isn’t as intense as usual and bizarrely enough, the pain is in different areas. For years I would use my TheraCane to do “trigger point” therapy on myself and the trigger points were always in the same places. But now they’re in a different area and the pain seems more manageable. Plus I’m down to 10mg of my Amitriptyline, which is also very significant. I hesitate to go off the Amitriptyline completely because it has helped my allergies SO much and the diff. allergy meds I tried while off the Amitrip. caused side effects that were very annoying. And also the fact that night time has always been my worst pain times and I take this pill at night.

I’ve been on the 10mg dose now for about 3-4 wks, and have only lost about 2-3 lbs. I actually did lose 5 lbs in the first 2 wks by eating very moderately and exercising regularly, but once again I found myself sliding into a pattern of striving to lose weight for the sake of looking good instead of seeking to glorify God by taking care of my body, and I ended up gaining some back. :-/ There is a great tension there between the motives for me, and they seem to fluctuate back and forth. I’ve realized that I will probably never have perfect motives in this life, but I refuse to give in to this incessant flesh! What is it about the sinful nature that SO longs to look great in front of others (physically, intellectually…etc)? I have visions of Satan wanting the other angels to worship Him instead of God. I’m not saying that we all necessarily want others to “worship” us, but aren’t all self-centered, self-focused motives an attempt to take glory away from God and divert it to ourselves? My greatest desire is that God would simply continue to decrease my self-obsession and increase my Christ-obsession, for His glory and for what I KNOW is my overwelming joy! And I have confidence that He will!

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." - Philippians 1:6

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Joy of Sanctification

I was at Walmart a few weeks ago and Melissa (my daughter) called me on my cell to ask if I would buy a scale (we haven't had one since I threw our other one away after I weighed in at the doctor and saw that I was about 6 lbs heavier than my scale showed). So I bought it (regretfully). I was surprised, when I stepped on it, to find that I was at 150 lbs! I don't think I even reached 150 lbs with any of my pregnancies. Maybe with Angela, but I was back down to 110 by the time she was 6 mos.

I've been very tempted these last few weeks to go on the non weight-gaining $50/month medication simply because I’m not sure if, (since I went off the medicine for a few months and went back on again) I will continue gaining more and more weight. I kind of peaked at about 146 when I was on it before and the fact that I started gaining again is a bit scary. But I did some internet research on the new medicine and don't like what I saw people post about it’s side effects at all. So after praying that God would give me some sort of sign to assure me that I could go on this new medication (it‘s only 2-3 months on the market), he scared me away from it. lol

He is working mightily through all of this. Sanctifying me. I know this may sound foreign to anyone who has not battled with a poor self-image, or should I say, anyone who hasn’t lived their life believing that their total self-worth was tied up in how they look (although having self-worth tied up in job or friends or anything other than God isn't any better). Yet at times I feel embarrassed to even write this kind of stuff in my blog. Sometimes I feel like maybe it's just me. But I know that's not true. I can see, even in my own daughters, the effects of a culture that is screaming everywhere, to girls, that beauty is everything. I grew up with it.

I am so grateful to God for this trial. I am learning to really believe that my body is not me. It does not define me or my value. I have a long way to go for sure, but I am seeing changes in my thinking. When I first began putting on weight and up until very recently in-fact, I felt as though I were hovering between two resting places. On one side, I saw rest with God….a looking away from self to Him and finding my peace and confidence in Him. And on the other side I saw a very comfortable and familiar rest with self….an obsessive looking to self, (my body, my looks) and desiring so strongly to pour myself into that (knocking myself out exercising and dieting to lose weight) so that I could find peace and confidence in me. I felt torn between these two (I actually still do sometimes). My flesh wanted to continue the well-trodden path I’d been on, but I knew that there was no real peace and rest there at all, and so I strongly desired to be where I knew I'd find true rest.

The problem was that I couldn’t (for quite awhile) rest in either place. Every time I tried to turn my focus to self for peace, I felt the hand of God moving it away. (Examples: Allowing *ordaining* ailments that caused me to go on the meds in the first place/ Causing a recurrence of pain after I went off the meds so I had to go back on/Closing doors to try other medications/A general feeling of prodding by God to not turn to self…even an inability to rest there I‘d say). Yet, when I tried to get to the side where my true peace and rest could be found, I just didn’t know how to get there. I couldn’t make myself stop feeling like I had to prove my self worth by losing the weight. This sort of “rest” was so ingrained in me. But over time, through prayerful pleadings that God would help me to rest in Him instead of self, and quoting the truth (Scripture) to counteract the lies (the flesh, the culture, Satan), I feel like I have made much progress toward resting in Him, and who I am in Him, instead of what I look like in this body. I’m not saying the struggle is over. But I am hopeful and joyful as I continue to move closer to true rest in God and further from false rest in self.

Friday, January 8, 2010

UPDATE: It looks like I will be staying on the Amitriptyline for now. And I am fine with that. I really do see a noticeable change in my thinking as I deal with the fact that I am unable to diet and exercise my way back down to a size 6. This is good for me. Sometime soon I want to do a post about how being on this medicine is also changing my relationship with food (for the better).

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Pain of Sanctification

Well, it’s been almost a month since my painful wake-up in the middle of the night. I’ve had an MRI and I’ve been to my regular physician, a neck/back specialist and my neurologist. The results of the MRI is that I have a mild extrusion of the disc in the C5-C6 area of my neck (a bulging disc). I also have the same in my low back, which has been causing pain problems again. I’m off the muscle relaxants and the ibuprofin, but I’m back on “amitriptyline”, which is a chronic pain medication that I just got off of in August after being on for a year and a half. My neurologist prescribed this after diagnosing me with Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome, which is sort of like Fibromyalgia, but not as bad. The only symptoms I really have from it are a burning like pain throughout my neck, face, chest and arms periodically. It kind of feels like sunburn. And I also have pressure points all along the sides of my body that hurt if I press on them. Sometimes my husband will just tap me and it will hurt. I probably wouldn’t have stayed on it, but the pain medicine helped my neck pain so much that I did.

I spoke in my last post about God using pain to sanctify us, to make us more like Christ. And I am not unaware of how God has been using my pain to sanctify me. For one, pain humbles me. It makes me kinder. Maybe it does the opposite for some. But physical and severe emotional pain makes me feel weak and it slows me down so that I don’t react to things as fast (like snapping at Rich or the kids) and it just overall makes me gentler and quieter. God has used pain to bring me to this state many times. One time I had 3 canker sores in my mouth (one on my tongue) and I literally couldn’t talk without severe pain for several days. That was a good learning time for me.

Besides just generally causing me to slow down and quiet and humble me, here is how I believe God is using my pain and situation to sanctify me: Since I was a teenager I have always had an obsession about my appearance and my weight. Struggling with acne probably (it did) brought about my obsession with my appearance, and I suspect that the combination of dissatisfaction with myself and compliments from others about my petite size made me sort of latch on to this body image as the thing that made me count for anything. I had always been a size 6 or smaller (except when I was pregnant with Angela -my first) and even then I exercised to extreme afterward, even injuring my knee in the process.

Several years ago, I began to realize that this preoccupation with my body and appearance were sinful, and God showed me how caught up I was in this and how much my sense of value was caught up in this and I confessed my sin to Him and asked him to help me let go of this, focus on Him, and value myself in a godly way. Well, this is a lot easier said than done. Especially when I was so used to these feelings and this inner thought life…it permeated my very being. Well, I continued to wrestle with this and pray about it, asking God to help me in this area and give me godly thoughts, and then (2-2 ½ years ago), after finishing physical therapy for my neck and back at Sister Kenny, I was having severe burning pain as I described above and was diagnosed with the Chronic Myofascial, and the doctor prescribed amitriptyline. One of the side effects, (that I didn’t know at the time) was “excessive weight gain”. I eventually gained 25 lbs on this medication and when I realized this was happening because of the medicine and that no matter how much I exercised or restricted my eating, I couldn’t lose the weight, I made an appt. with my neurologist to talk about switching medications. Prior to this, we had gone through some severe financial woes and we were on a very strict budget. Well, the other medication that the doctor wanted to put me on would cost me too much out of pocket. We couldn’t afford it. So I went home and continued to struggle with anxiety as the pounds were being put on. For many, this would not be a big deal. For me, it was a horrendous feeling of losing control and of utter disgust with myself.

Well, God allowed me to battle through these feelings and make progress. I dealt with and prayed through these feelings I was having and felt good about the progress I was making. My neck and back were feeling good and I decided (last August) to take the step of going off the amitriptyline. For 3 ½ months, things went well. I continued to do my stretches daily and my strengthening exercises twice a week and I’d get sore sometimes, but no out of control pain. As the weight began to come off, I found that my thought-life was beginning to fall into old patterns again and I found myself desiring to lose all the weight. In the past, whenever I would gain weight, I would do everything necessary to lose it. I felt that old impulse kick in and yet I knew the motive behind it was not godly, but selfish. It wasn’t about being healthy, and honoring God, but about looking good and drawing attention to myself.

I battled these thoughts and feelings, some days feeling like I was winning and some days losing, till 4 weeks ago, I awoke with searing pain in my neck. Nothing but the amitriptyline gives me real relief. I don’t think this is all a coincidence. I believe that God is in the business of graciously sanctifying me at painful costs. Today I had an appt. with my neurologist. I talked to him again about alternative medications. He gave me some samples of a new one that came out 2 months ago. I called my pharmacy to ask how much this would cost me. They said $50/month. This may not seem like a lot to some, but finances are tight, especially when I’m going to go through more therapy next month, and my amitriptyline cost’s me $3/month. Now I have a decision to make, but I don’t doubt that if I make the wrong one, God will correct me, for my own good, because He loves me and He knows that self-obsession leads to emptiness, dissatisfaction, and depression and God-obsession leads to fullness and satisfaction and joy.